With deep sorrow the ESG learned that Prof. Ronit Haimov-Kochman, excellent doctor and scientist, wife and mother of 3, passed away on Tuesday 18 2018.
Prof Kochman was a sparkling person, and a hyper-dynamic member of the Society and her sudden death leaves the Board of Directors of the European Society of Gynecology speechless. Ronit accepted to represent Israel in the Board of the European Society of Gynecology in 2017 and since that moment sustained the Society’s activities wit great effort and determination.
We all remember when during the official dinner of the 2013 ESG Congress in Brussels at the Egyptian Museum, Ronit took the initiative to modify the allocation of the speakers to the tables managing that the Israeli and Palestinian Gynecologists sit together to the same table, united by Women’s health Care and Humanitarian friendship under the ESG spirit!
In addition to her activity in the ESG Board Prof. Ronit Haimov-Kochman, was Specialist in Obstetrics, Gynecology, Fertility, Menopause, IVF Unit at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem as well as the IDF coordinator to Hadassah Mt Scopus for emergencies.
Prof Kochman was also member of the
Israel Menopause Society
Israeli Society of Fertility and Reproduction (AYALA)
Israeli Society of Contraception and Sexual Health
International Society of Gynecologic Investigation (SGI)
European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE)
With her kindness, dedication to the patients and professional commitments, Ronit was a particularly impressive gynecologist and her memory will remain in our hearts as well as in her patients hearts for long time.